How to Update WhatsApp GB Without Losing Chat to the Latest Version 2020

How to update WhatsApp GB without losing chat to the latest version 2020. For those of you who are still using the old version of GBWhatsApp, immediately update your GBWhatsApp application to the latest version before you encounter any issues you don’t want.
how to update whatsapp gb
If you do not update WhatsApp GB application immediately, it will expire. If GBWhatsApp expires, there will be a lot of problems appearing and worse, you can no longer use it.
Usually, every time the GBWhatsApp app exits its latest version, you will be notified via a pop up message that appears unexpectedly. You can update the WhatsApp GB app every time you get a notification.
However, there are cases where the notification does not appear so that GBWhatsApp users do not realize that the application they are using has expired.
Even so, how to update WhatsApp GB app, the tutorial is the same. You can practice the steps in the discussion below.

Read more: How to unhide chat in WhatsApp GB

How to Update GBWhatsApp Without Losing Chats

How to update WhatsApp GB on Android smartphone cannot be done through the Google Play Store. GBWhatsApp is a modified version of the WhatsApp Messenger app, so it can’t be found on the Google Play Store.
Then, how to update GBWhatsApp without losing data such as chats, media, call logs, etc.? You can download the latest version of GBWhatsApp apk then install it on your Android smartphone. Here’s the tutorial.
  1. ‌Open the WhatsApp GB app you want to update.
  2. ‌Tap theothersicon, choose Fouad Mods menu.
    choose fouad mods menu
  3. ‌Go to Updates settings.

    go to updates settings
  4. ‌Select update options with Web Download.

    update gbwhatsapp with web download
  5. ‌Open it with the browser app you want.

    open with your favorit browser
  6. ‌Find the GBWhatsApp package and tap the Download menu below it.

    download gbwhatsapp package
  7. ‌Wait for 20 seconds to countdown.

    wait the countdown
  8. ‌Tap the Download button once you are on the Mediafire website.

    gbwhatsapp apk latest version download
  9. ‌Wait a few moments until the latest version of APK GBWhatsApp is successfully downloaded.

    downloading gbwhatsapp apk
  10. ‌Open APK GBWhatsApp you have downloaded.
  11. ‌Allow installation from unknown sources.
  12. ‌Tap Install to update the WhatsApp GB app on your Android smartphone.

    install gbwhatsapp latest version on android
  13. ‌Wait a while until the process of updating the GBWhatsApp application is complete.

    installing update gbwhatsapp
  14. ‌How to update WhatsApp GB to the latest version 2020 has been completed.


Read more: How to install YoWhatsApp

You need to know, I used a GBWhatsApp Apk developed by Fouad Mokdad in the above tutorial. For those of you GB WhatsApp APK users from other developers, a tutorial on updating the GB WhatsApp app is the same as I taught. What distinguishes it may be only on the website you will visit later.
That’s how to update WhatsApp GB app to the latest version 2020 on Android smartphones without losing chat or other WhatsApp data. Share this article on your friends fellow GBWhatsApp users. Hopefully useful and thank you for visiting Mang Idik blog.

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