How to Download CapCut on PC / Laptop for Free without Bluestacks Emulator

How to download CapCut on PC. As we know, CapCut or previously called ViaMaker is the most popular free video editor app today that has very complete features and is even considered a mobile version of the After Effects program.

how to download capcut on pc without emulator

Good news for all of us that the most popular free video editor application has now released its desktop version so you can download, install and use it on your PC or laptop.

This is certainly very encouraging news because you can directly download CapCut on PC without emulators like Bluestacks or Nox anymore.

Just like the mobile version, CapCut for PC is also licensed for free (open source) so of course it can be used as a promising alternative to the After Effects program for which you have to buy a license.

In addition, CapCut for PC also has all the features available in the mobile version, including stock videos, free music collections, text menus, stickers, video effects, transitions, filters, and adjustments.

For those of you who are interested in using CapCut for this PC, here are the steps to download and install CapCut on a PC without an emulator for you to do.

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How to Download and Install CapCut on PC without Emulator

The size of the CapCut file for PC that you have to download is not too big, only about 340 MB. However, at this time CapCut is still available only for Windows and has not spread to MacOS or Linux.

  1. ‌Visit the official CapCut website, namely with Google Chrome or another browser program.
  2. Click the Download for Windows menu on the homepage.‌
  3. The CapCut for Windows download process will start so just wait.
  4. Right-click on the downloaded CapCut file and select Run as administrator.‌
  5. Agree to CapCut’s user license and privacy police and click Install Now.
  6. Wait for the CapCut installation process on the PC to complete.
  7. How to download and install CapCut on a PC without an emulator has worked.

Just like the mobile version, CapCut for Windows PC also requires an internet connection. So make sure your PC or laptop is connected to a good and stable internet (online) so that no problems occur.

Well, those are the steps how to download CapCut on PC/laptop for free without emulator like Bluestacks. Did you find this article helpful? Write your feedback in the comment box below. Thank you for visiting.

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