Can People See Who I Follow on TikTok?

Can people see who I follow on TikTok. Just like other social media platforms, TikTok also allows you to follow other TikTok users that you like whether because the video content they bring is interesting, creative, funny, motivational, and so on.

can people see who i follow on tiktok

What happens when you follow someone on TikTok? If you follow someone on TikTok, you will always see their latest video content on your TikTok homepage, see their comments even if they are not top comments, and much more.

All TikTok users that you have followed will be added to the “following” list on your TikTok profile. On the other hand, you will also be included in the “followers” list on their profile.

The question now is, can someone see who you follow on TikTok? Find out the answers and discussion below.

Also read: Can followers see TikTok comments?

Can People See Who I Follow on TikTok?

By default, everyone, whether it’s your friends, followers, people you follow, or TikTok users who have nothing to do with you can see who you have followed on your TikTok following list.

The good news is, if you don’t want others to be able to see who you follow on TikTok, you can make your following list private to everyone so only you can see it. Are you interested? Here’s the tutorial.

How to Hide and Private Following List on TikTok

  1. Open the Profile menu in the TikTok application.
  2. Tap the option list button in the top right corner.tap the option button
  3. ‌Select and tap Settings and Privacy.settings and privacy
  4. ‌Open the Privacy menu.tap the privacy menu
  5. ‌Tap the Following list setting.following list tiktok
  6. ‌Change the following list privacy from Everyone to Only to hide following list on tiktok

By following the steps above, when someone wants to open the following list on your TikTok profile, a warning message will appear that reads “Following list is hidden due to this user’s privacy settings”.

It’s obvious that people can see who you follow on TikTok if you don’t hide or private the TikTok following list on your profile. Did you find this article helpful? Write your feedback in the comment box below. Thank you for visiting.

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